Final Comparison: Adobe Illustrator vs. Procreate

Now that I have worked with Procreate and Adobe Illustrator for an equal amount of time and all the designs are complete, it is time to compare the two programs for the purpose of creating these digitally traced picture portraits.  

For Procreate, the Apple Pencil definitely helped make the design process easier.  Using the 1st Generation Apple Pencil provided more realistic drawing capabilities when tracing the different elements of the pictures.

On the other hand, in Adobe Illustrator, the pen tool was the primary utensil for outlining the images.  With the pen tool, it was easier to manipulate the lines for a smoother, more accurate tracing of the elements in the pictures. 

One of the main differences between the two programs is the color.  In each of the design pairs, there was a consistent color distinction when comparing the final product from Procreate to the final product from Adobe Illustrator.  Generally, the designs made in Procreate produced brighter, more vibrant colors in the final portraits.  Even though the colors were extracted from the same images, the designs made in Adobe Illustrator always tended to result in more muted, neutral colored portraits.

            After looking back at the designs, there is a slight difference in the lines as well.  With Procreate, the designs are hand-drawn so the lines are more natural.  However, with Adobe Illustrator the lines are sharper and, once I figured out how to better use the pen tool, a little more accurate to the original picture.

            All things considered, Procreate was always favored in each pair of designs.  Adobe Illustrator was stronger with certain details of the pictures but Procreate overall produced the better portrait.  Thus, when considering whether Procreate or Adobe Illustrator is the better program for these digitally traced picture portraits, the general consensus is Procreate.  Both programs have their strengths, but for these designs in particular, Procreate is ultimately the best choice.

            This, of course, is my amateur opinion having just taught myself Procreate for the first time and only really exploring these specific tools in Adobe Illustrator for this project.  Depending on device preferences, people may lean towards one program or the other, I have just grown to like working with the iPad and Apple Pencil much more than I expected to in this project.  Perhaps with a mouse, the laptop is better suited for this kind of work but keeping in mind the supplies I used and my own personal experience, Procreate is definitely the way to go!   


